Top Theme Park and Themed Experience Stories

Top 10 Best Theme Park Magazine Stories of 2022

by Joe Tracy, editor of Theme Park Magazine

Happy New Year!

It’s fascinating to see what stories from throughout the year draw the most interest from readers of Theme Park Magazine.

In this article, we are looking back at 2022 and sharing the most popular stories with our awesome readers. The rankings are determined by the number of times an article was read.

Here are the “Top 10 Theme Park and Themed Experiences Stories on Theme Park Magazine from 2022:”

Number 10:

Disney Encanto x CAMP Brings The Madrigals to Manhattan

CAMP was on fire in 2022! This unique store/immersive experience venue has grown through innovative ideas and great partnerships, like the one they signed with Disney. This article focused on the Encanto experience at CAMP, which is one of the best experiences CAMP has created to date.

Number 9:

New York Gets Goofy in Mickey & Friends x CAMP: An Extra Big Adventure

Mickey and Friends CAMP

Coming in at number 9 is an article on another CAMP adventure, this one featuring Mickey and friends. This was the first CAMP experience based on CAMP’s partnership with Disney.

Number 8:

History of Log Flume Ride at Buffalo Bill’s Resort & Casino

This article, from 2021, continues to get a lot of interest from readers. It was #10 in 2021’s top 10 list and has surprisingly moved up since then.. The article explores the history of the only log flume ride to travel through a casino in the world.

We have an update on this article! When covid hit, it looked like Buffalo Bill’s Resort & Casino would close for good and the rides with it. However, in a surprise development, Buffalo Bill’s Resort & Casino reopened just over a week ago and announced that millions of dollars would go into refurbishments in 2023. Buffalo Bill’s hasn’t made an announcement about the log flume and roller coaster reopening, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Number 7:

What Virtual Worlds Can Learn from Theme Parks (and Why Brands Should Care)

Former Walt Disney Imagineer, Don Carson, shares his opinion on the virtual reality trend, the potential it has in our lives, and what that means for brands. Carson currently serves as the Senior Art Director for Mighty Coconut.

Number 6:

AREA15 Orlando – A New Immersive Entertainment District Opening in 2024

AREA15 in Las Vegas is known as being one of the top destinations in the world for immersive experiences. The strong success has lead to AREA15 branching out, this time to Orlando, Florida, where it will open a massive immersive entertainment district in 2024.

Number 5:

The Success of Walkabout Mini Golf and its Jim Henson LABYRINTH Collaboration

Walkabout Mini Golf has taken the virtual reality world by storm for its realistic gameplay, amazing designs, and ability to connect people in new ways. This article explores the success of the game along with Mighty Coconut’s LABYRINTH collaboration.

Number 4:

Water World: Turning Water Rides into Amazing Themed Experiences

Water park rides aren’t known for being heavily themed. When you think of a water park, you rarely think, “theme park.” However, that is changing thanks in part to Water World in Colorado and its elaborately themed water rides.

Number 3:

Storyville Gardens Theme Park Opening in Nashville in 2025

When Theme Park Magazine launched in June 2021, one of the stories it published in its first month was about a new upcoming theme park called Storyville Gardens. That article resonated with many readers in 2022, who made it a Top 5 read article. Ironically, it wasn’t a Top 10 article from 2021! Storyville Gardens is still scheduled to open in Spring 2025 in Nashville, Tennessee.

Number 2:

Rainforest Cafe Dark Ride – River Adventure in Galveston, Texas

Readers love reading about the Rainforest Cafe Dark Ride in Galveston, Texas, the only dark ride operated by a Rainforest Cafe. In 2021, this was the #1 read article in Theme Park Magazine, and it continues to draw mass interest today. Read about this fascinating ride and then wonder, like us, why more Rainforest Cafe places don’t do this. As of January 1, 2023, this is the most popular article of all time on Theme Park Magazine.

Number 1:

Drive-In Universal Monsters Ride Idea Entertained at Epic Universe

Anytime you get a chance to look into the mind of a Walt Disney Imagineer or Universal Creative visionary, you will be in for a great ride. This article explored a Universal Creative concept ride for Epic Universe that ended up on the cutting-room floor. If a concept this great didn’t make the final cut, it makes you wonder how good the chosen one will be!

We’re not surprised this was the most-read article of 2022. One of our writers, Spencer, was told one of his articles was #1 overall, and we had him guess which one (out of 12 he wrote). He guessed this one. It’s interesting, revealing, creative, and insightful.

That’s it for 2022! We look forward to seeing what articles you read the most in 2023, and we thank you for your support. Theme Park Magazine is an ad-free publication. Please donate or inquire about becoming a sponsor to keep it ad-free for all. Thanks!

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